Education and Knowledge
Seeking education and knowledge is one of the most important endeavours of life that is worthy of your time, energy, and money. Knowledge is a path to a decent life, self-realization, and achieving ambitions and aspirations.

Seeking education and knowledge is one of the most important endeavours of life that is worthy of your time, energy, and money. Knowledge is a path to a decent life, self-realization, and achieving ambitions and aspirations. Therefore, seeking education and knowledge is mentioned in every religion, doctrine, philosophy and book, as it is the cornerstone of the success of the individual and thus the success of society.

My father, may God have mercy on him, used to run a library and he always urged me from childhood to read any book I see on my way and in any field, whether I understood it or not. He always advised me and said that “The information I received today may not help you, but be sure that you will need it someday in the future.”

Let’s talk about the benefits of knowledge for the individual:

• Expanding the individual’s perceptions and opening horizons for his awareness and understanding and teach him how to be objective.
• Achieve self-respect and appreciation of people around you.
• Earning a livelihood, getting the right job, and constantly developing to reach the highest ranks.

This is at the individual level, but if knowledge is achieved by each of us, imagine its extent at the community level:

• Building a strong cohesive society capable of self-sufficiency by relying on its members who are able to develop their society economically, industrially and culturally.
• Education is a weapon to solve the challenges facing society, whether on the social, environmental or economic levels.
• With the increase in the number of educated individuals in society, crime and bad behaviours in society decrease.
• An educated society achieves leadership among societies in terms of knowledge, power, money and business.

The scientific development that we have reached today has put us in a somewhat strange position, as it had a great impact on placing most Arab countries today at lower ranks among other countries in terms of scientific development, it has also created a big gap between us and advanced countries. However, at the same time, it has created great opportunities for individuals to create unparalleled success stories. If you were able to learn from leading countries, study the gaps that we have and apply them in your country and the environment in which you grew up, you will able to achieve unprecedented success.

We live in a time that we envied for, seeking education and knowledge has never been easier. Technological development has opened the door for everyone without exception to receive knowledge in various ways and created new tools that allow everyone to easily access information. We are not talking here about degrees, universities and schools only, but on the spectrum of information available in front of you with the click of a button on the computer.

The road may be difficult, but it is paved and ready for those who dare to walk it. If you want success, do not set limits for your dreams and work to reach them to change your life and the lives of everyone around you for the better. Always remember, if knowledge does not benefit the group as well as the individual, then it is useless, so make sure to work for yourself and those around you.